
Slidify Workshop

Ramnath Vaidyanathan

A framework is a collection of stylesheets, javascripts and layouts that control the style and appearance of a slide deck.


title: Frameworks
framework: revealjs
mode: selfcontained

## Slide 1

Some content


## Slide 2

Some content

Using Frameworks


  1. Open demos/frameworks/index.Rmd
  2. Run slidify("index.Rmd") and Open index.html


Change the framework property in index.Rmd and run slidify

  1. deckjs
  2. shower

A theme is a collection of stylesheets that provides different skins for slide decks generated using the framework.


title: Frameworks
framework: revealjs
revealjs: {theme: solarized, transition: cube}
mode: selfcontained

## Slide 1

Some content


## Slide 2

Some content

Using Themes


  1. Open demos/frameworks/solarized/index.Rmd
  2. Run slidify("index.Rmd") and Open index.html


Different frameworks support different themes and transitions.


  • theme: solarized, moon, sky, simple, serif, night, moon, default, beige
  • transition: default, cube, page, concave, zoom, linear, fade, none


  • theme: web-2.0, neon, swiss
  • transition: fade, horizontal-slide, vertical-slide

Vertical Slides

title: Frameworks
framework: revealjs
mode: selfcontained
url: {lib: ../libraries}
--- &vertical

## Slide 1

Some content


## Sub Slide 1


## Sub Slide 2


title: Testing ImpressJS
framework: impressjs
mode: draft
--- .slide x:-1000 y:-1500

<q>Aren't you just **bored** with all those slides-based presentations?</q>

--- .slide x:0 y:-1500

<q>Don't you think that presentations given **in modern browsers** shouldn't **copy the limits** of 'classic' slide decks?</q>

--- .slide x:1000 y:-1500

<q>Would you like to **impress your audience** with **stunning visualization** of your talk?</q>

--- #title x:0 y:0 scale:4

<span class="try">then you should try</span>
# impress.js^*
<span class="footnote">^* no rhyme intended</span>